As the largest organ in the body skin is a common sourse of problems. There are many different types of skin disordors varying greatly in symptoms and severity
And it can be temporary or permanent,painless or painfull. Allergies,genetic make -up,certain diseases,and immune system problems cause skin conditions
The skin plays a very important role as a barrier to chemicals and other contaminants entering the body. Skin disorders may disrupt this barries and can be overlooked by many.
For best results in breast implants seek the advice of a medical specialist before starting the plastic surgery. Doctor Bella will give you the advise you need.
All surgeries carry risk. Plastic surgery Complication after estate surgery, seek the advice of a medical specialist, Doctor Bella will give you advice.
All surgeries carry risk. Always use high quality and well known brands of implants,seek the advice of a medical specialist before starting the plastic surgery.
Save money by getting the best advice before doing plastic surgery Doctor Bella will help you
There are many different types of skin disordors varying greatly in symptoms and severity. And it can be temporary or permanent, painless or painfull.
If you are worried about your skin or it is affecting how you feel or your ability to go on with your day , it is extremely important to ask and get help from a medical specialist.
If you are worried about your skin or it is affecting how you feel it is extremely important to get help from a medical specialist.
Allergies,irritants,genetic make -up,certain diseases,and immune system problems cause skin conditions.
Dermatologist are a girls best friend. Dr Bella medical specialist with 20 years experience in skin disorder.
You can get STD by having unprotected vaginal or oral sex with someone who has STD. Depending on the specific STD infections may also be transmitted through sharing needles. If you are worried about sexualy diseases please contact Dr. Bella for advise
The term sexually transmitted disease(STD) is used to refer to a condition passed from one person to another through sexual contact. The STD include bacterial,viral,fungal and parasitic infections. If you are worried please contact Dr. Bella for advise
Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Infections. Some examples of STD: HIV infection, syphilis, gonorrhea, candidiasis, herpex simplex , humn papillomavirus, genital scabies. If you are worried please contact Dr. Bella STD specialist for advise
Aesthetic medicine is about helping the patients to achieve their best outlook and body shape that may boost their selfconfidence and most importantly it is safe and cause no harm to their health.
Aesthetic medicine is a branch of medicine focused on satysfying the aesthethic desires and goals of patients. Primarily focused on the pathophysiology of aging skin,and adheres to scientific procedures.
There are various therapies covered under dermatology including laser therapy, tumescent liposuction, allergy testing etc. And as the name suggests, a doctor specialised in dermatology is known as a dermatologist. Dr Bella cosmatic specialist
Dermatologist are a girls best friend. Skin beauty forever 22 years experience.
The skin plays a very important role as a barrier to chemicals and other contaminants entering the body.
Here at Skin Beauty Forever you can ask Doctor Bella Dermatologist about your skin